
The Italian Conservative Parties Continues to Enjoy Success among Citizens and Drives All of Europe

Building a Conservative Europe - June 18, 2024

The Uninterrupted Rise of the Conservative Parties and the Evident Decline of all the others Are Shaping a New Political Scenario in Italy

The latest survey has brought to light a rapidly evolving Italian political picture, marking a turning point for several parties. The centre-right dominates the scene, with Giorgia Meloni’s “Fratelli d’Italia” consolidating itself as the country’s leading political force, while Forza Italia is preparing to overtake the 5 Stelle Movement, now in free fall.

Fratelli d’Italia: An Unstoppable Rise

Fratelli d’Italia continues to gain ground, reaching 29.4% of voting intentions, an increase compared to the 28.8% recorded just eight days earlier. Giorgia Meloni’s party seems to benefit from a stability and political coherence that attracts more and more voters, consolidating itself as a point of reference for the right-wing electorate. This success reflects the party’s ability to intercept and represent the requests of a large part of the population, especially in a period of economic and social uncertainty.

Forza Italia: The Great Return

Forza Italia, together with “Noi Moderati”, scored an important overtaking on the 5 Stelle Movement, reaching 9.8%. This figure represents not only a significant recovery, but also a sign of vitality for a party that many thought was doomed. Forza Italia’s growth can be attributed to an effective communication strategy and the ability to renew itself, while remaining faithful to its fundamental principles. This made it possible to attract voters disappointed by other political forces, in particular by the 5 Stelle Movement.

The Collapse of the 5 Stelle Movement

The 5 Stelle Movement is facing a profound crisis, standing at 9.6% and constantly losing support. This collapse represents a blow for Giuseppe Conte, who sees his party sinking further and further in voting intentions. The M5S debacle can be traced back to several factors, including the loss of confidence on the part of voters and the perception of an inability to provide concrete solutions to the country’s problems. The lack of clear leadership and internal fragmentation further contribute to this decline.

The Democratic Party: A Slight Rise

The Democratic Party, led by Elly Schlein, shows a slight increase, going from 24.1% in the European elections to 24.4%. This increase, although modest, indicates relative stability and an ability to maintain a solid electoral base. However, the PD faces the challenge of further broadening its consensus, especially in an increasingly polarized political context.

The Other Parties: Between Stagnation and Decline

Matteo Salvini’s “Lega” stands at 8.6%, showing a certain stability despite a slight decline compared to previous data. The Green-Left Alliance of Angelo Bonelli and Nicola Fratoianni is positioned at 7.1%, confirming a reasonable level of consensus among left-wing voters. However, other smaller parties such as Carlo Calenda’s Azione (3.2%), Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva (2%) and Emma Bonino’s +Europa (1.6%) struggle to overcome the 4% threshold, highlighting a fragmentation of the electorate which penalizes less consolidated political forces.

The results of the Termometro Politico survey offer an interesting insight into the Italian political situation. Fratelli d’Italia emerges as the big winner, consolidating its leadership in the center-right. Forza Italia, with a significant overtaking of the 5 Stelle Movement, demonstrates remarkable resilience. The M5S, on the other hand, faces a profound crisis that calls into question its political future. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party seeks to maintain and consolidate its consensus in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Italian politics is constantly evolving and these changes reflect an increasingly fickle electorate looking for concrete answers. The ability of parties to adapt to these dynamics and respond to citizens’ needs will be crucial to their future success. The most suitable answers to the constantly evolving Italian and European situation are evidently being given by the conservative partiy which confirms itself at the height of appreciation.