
ECR’s Giordano: “In Dubrovnik, We Will Face Europe’s Most Urgent Challenges”

ECR Party European Congress on Family - September 24, 2024

The European Conservatives and Reformists Party (ECR) is pleased to announce its latest initiative: the Second Edition of the European Family Congress, which will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from October 18 to 20, 2024. This event marks a crucial moment for strengthening conservative ideas and values, which are fundamental in a rapidly changing Europe.

In recent years, the presence of conservatives across the continent has become increasingly important. It is essential for conservative parties to gather and discuss the issues that impact families and European society. Participation in events such as the European Family Congress not only provides the opportunity to delve into highly relevant topics but also root our movement’s ideas and values within various national contexts. The ability to organize key events like this demonstrates the strength and unity of our party, as well as our desire to face contemporary challenges together: not confined within institutional halls, but engaging with the public across Europe every day, gaining the people’s support and engaging with their perspectives. This is one of the reasons why this congress was created: to strengthen our ideas and imagine new ones. European conservatives are not a monolithic ideological bloc but a place of dialogue between parties from different backgrounds, and it is precisely in this diversity that lies their great strength. The best and most useful solutions can be found in diversity.

The Congress will focus on key issues, including family and demography in European policies. We will discuss the importance of strengthening family values in a context that often questions the very foundations of our society. Among the topics on the agenda will also be the analysis of social media addiction, a phenomenon that directly affects family dynamics and young people. It is crucial for conservatives to advocate for greater awareness of how social media influences relationships and the development of new generations.

Additionally, we will address the improvement of European educational systems. It is essential for schools to be able to transmit solid values and form responsible, aware citizens engaged in their communities. Our conservative vision emphasizes the importance of tradition and stability as the foundations for a healthy and prosperous society. By comparing different educational systems, we can identify strengths and recognize the areas that absolutely need to change. A firm “no” will be directed at gender ideology, which should have no place in schools.

In presenting the Second European Family Congress, Secretary General Antonio Giordano said: “The mission of the ECR Party is to strengthen ties among conservatives throughout Europe by promoting values that place the family at the heart of our societies. This event is a valuable opportunity to bring together high representatives, delegates, and supporters from different European countries, all united by the desire to seriously and determinedly address some of the most urgent challenges Europe faces today, such as demography, social media addiction, and the improvement of educational systems. The Second European Family Congress will not only be a moment for political reflection and debate, but also an opportunity to build connections, exchange innovative ideas, and strengthen our common commitment to policies that support European families in an ever-changing socio-cultural context. In an era marked by uncertainties and geopolitical challenges, the family remains an indispensable pillar for Europe’s stability and prosperity. Additionally, participants will have the chance to immerse themselves in the timeless beauty of Dubrovnik, a city that stands as one of the symbols of our common European heritage. It will be an occasion to combine personal and professional growth with the discovery of one of the most fascinating cities in the Mediterranean.”

Attending an event of this relevance not only offers an important opportunity for dialogue and exchange, but also allows one to discover the beauty of Dubrovnik, one of the gems of the Mediterranean. Known for its historical and cultural heritage, this city offers the perfect stage for discussing the future of the family and European society. Dubrovnik is an extraordinary city, here are three of its must-see wonders: the Dubrovnik Walls, imposing medieval walls surrounding the old town and offering breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea and the city’s red rooftops. Or the Rector’s Palace in the main square, a magnificent example of Renaissance architecture. Today it hosts a museum that tells the story of the city and its past as an autonomous republic.

This is not just an event, but an opportunity to unite and strengthen our commitment to a Europe that values family, tradition, and community. The European Family Congress is a significant step for the European Conservatives and Reformists Party, a moment to listen, learn, and share the ideas that unite us. Our presence in Dubrovnik is not just a symbolic act but a declaration of intent: we want to actively participate in shaping the policies that will define Europe’s future. Join us in this important initiative and help build a Europe that does not forget its core values.