
Dubrovnik, Giordano: “A Success, Guests from 27 Nations. Both EPP and Patriots Were Present”

ECR Party European Congress on Family - October 21, 2024

The ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists) congress held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from October 18 to 20, marked an important step in the effort to build a more conservative Europe, rooted in traditional values and fostering collaboration among the Continent’s various political forces. The central theme of the congress was the family, but other key topics for the conservative movement were also addressed in panels, such as optimistic patriotism, technology and education, and the historical and cultural roots of conservatism.

The congress saw the participation of guests from 27 nations, including many members of parliament and MEPs, confirming the international and inclusive nature of the event. Discussions focused on the importance of the family as the foundational institution of society, a view that perfectly reflects conservative principles. As highlighted by ECR Secretary-General Antonio Giordano, “The second congress on the family, which concluded today in Dubrovnik, Croatia, achieved extraordinary results thanks to the representation and participation of guests from as many as 27 nations, not just from the European Union, who brought contributions, experiences, and proposals. Many members of parliament and MEPs were present. We discussed the function of the family in various countries and what should be done to enhance its irreplaceable and decisive role in our society at the European level.”

One of the main goals emerging from the congress was strengthening the role of the family in society through policies aimed at supporting birth rates and ensuring a healthy educational environment rooted in Christian and conservative values. The participation of various European political forces confirmed the centrality of the family not only within the ECR’s political agenda but also for many other conservative parties across Europe.

Giordano expressed satisfaction with the unity demonstrated during the event: “I am very pleased because all the forces that make up the governing majority were in Croatia, but also for the presence of other political representatives from the EU, from the Patriots to the People’s Party. The four conservative parties present in Croatia also participated. It was truly a wonderful moment of unity, culminating in the final panel with the presence of many cheerful children on stage, a testament to how many families filled our event.”

This statement is particularly significant because it not only emphasizes the importance of political unity within the European conservative movement but also highlights the need for direct family involvement in political and social processes. The congress served as an opportunity to reaffirm the crucial role of families in European society, a theme closely linked to the broader goal of promoting a new vision for Europe: a powerful entity that can be revitalized through policies centered on birth rates, education, and the defense of traditional values.

The panel dedicated to optimistic patriotism examined how a positive vision of national identity can coexist with the European project. The idea of optimistic patriotism is to move beyond a closed and conflictual nationalism, instead valuing a sense of belonging to a broader community, one that does not conflict with Europe but rather strengthens it through collaboration among nations that share common values and goals. Optimistic patriotism proved to be a central theme for the ECR, which aims to counter both globalist cosmopolitanism that weakens national identities and extreme nationalism that risks fragmenting Europe.

Technology and education were equally relevant topics, with a focus on the importance of education in shaping the citizens of tomorrow according to conservative principles. During the congress, participants discussed how education could serve as a bulwark against progressive ideologies, providing a solid foundation of traditional values, while technology should be used not to alienate individuals but to enhance their capacities while respecting their cultural and identity-based roots.

The panel on conservative roots offered an opportunity to reflect on how the European conservative movement must ground its policies in a long-standing cultural and political tradition. This involves not only reflecting on the historical foundations of conservatism but also critiquing progressivism and its ideologies, which many participants argued are eroding the very foundations of European society.

Throughout the congress, a clear objective for the future emerged: building a Europe that is not just a bureaucratic or economic entity but a political and cultural community based on Christian values and the recognition of the importance of the family. Participants stressed that European conservatism must present itself as a strong alternative to the progressivism that dominates many European institutions, offering a vision of Europe rooted in respect for traditions, the importance of cultural roots, and the belief that the continent’s future lies in solid family policies.

The presence of representatives from various conservative and sovereigntist political forces confirmed the desire to create a broad and cohesive coalition capable of significantly influencing European policies. The success of the Dubrovnik congress is an important signal in this direction, as it shows that it is possible to build a united European conservative movement, capable of responding to the challenges of our time with a clear and determined vision.

In addition to the central political discussions, the ECR congress in Dubrovnik provided moments of fun and cultural exploration, highlighting the importance of coming together to exchange views on the future of Europe. The event wasn’t just about politics; it also offered a chance for participants to enjoy the city’s historical and architectural treasures. Delegates explored the famous Dubrovnik walls, an imposing fortification surrounding the Old Town, and strolled along the renowned Stradun. Along the way, they admired key landmarks such as the Sponza Palace, the Clock Tower, and further along, the Rector’s Palace. They also visited the magnificent Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary, a stunning example of Roman Baroque architecture.

These wonders were brought to life by a special guide: Roberto Menia, a member of Italy’s Fratelli d’Italia party, who enthusiastically shared the rich history and cultural significance of these sites. His presence added an intellectual depth to the cultural moments, reminding attendees that the defense of European heritage is an essential part of the conservative vision.

But beyond the beauty of Dubrovnik, the congress served as a vital platform for dialogue and collaboration between the different conservative forces in Europe. While many right-wing movements exist across the continent, the ECR’s commendable work is in bringing them together and creating a space for constructive debate. This effort is crucial in shaping a new Europe, one that is more conservative and rooted in its foundational values. The congress highlighted the importance of exchanging ideas on family, education, optimistic patriotism, and the defense of cultural roots—key themes that united the participants and guided their discussions.

An unforgettable highlight was the sea adventure aboard the *Tirena*, an ancient galleon that sailed along the picturesque Dalmatian coast. This moment of relaxation and camaraderie allowed attendees to connect on a personal level, emphasizing the idea that building a stronger, more united Europe requires not only political collaboration but also personal relationships and mutual understanding.

In conclusion, the ECR congress in Dubrovnik marked a crucial step in the journey towards building a new, more conservative Europe, deeply rooted in its core values. The focus on family, education, optimistic patriotism, and the defense of cultural heritage was central to the discussions, and the results clearly demonstrate that the vision of a stronger, more cohesive Europe through conservatism is not just possible—it is already underway. The significance of events like this cannot be underestimated, as they provide moments of reflection and debate that have the potential to truly shape the political future of the continent.