
The third event of the European Culture Weekend conference will take place in Jerusalem

Culture - June 6, 2023

The next surprise offered by the European Conservatives of the ECR Party is the upcoming European Cultural Weekend conference. The long-awaited event will take place from 2-5 June, 2023 and will be hosted by the Conservatives of Israel. The conference venue is in Jerusalem, the birthplace of Christianity.

Guests of the European Culture Weekend conference are expected to arrive on Friday at the Leonardo Plaza Hotel, one of the most luxurious hotels in Jerusalem. The hotel’s location makes the Great Synagogue practically on the guests’ doorstep, and the old town centre just a 15-minute walk away. The synagogue, inaugurated in 1982, serves as the official place of prayer for the Jewish state and is the place where the Israeli president comes to pray on Yom Kippur.

On the first evening, Friday June 2nd, European Conservatives will have the chance to meet members of delegations they have never met before, and to reconnect with those they have already met at other events in Split and Sofia, organised by the ECR Party under the aegis of European Culture Weekend.  This will give members of the delegations a chance to socialise and form new collaborations.

Saturday will be dedicated mainly to cultural activities in which the hosts of the event have prepared, among other things, a guided tour that includes a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, also called the Church of the Holy Resurrection. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is located in the old city centre of Jerusalem. In the church is the place of Jesus’ crucifixion as well as the holy tomb where the Saviour was buried and resurrected. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located within the ancient walls of the city of Jerusalem, is the most important pilgrimage site of the Christian religion.

Sunday is reserved for the conference, which will address current issues of interest to European conservatives and citizens of all European countries. Taking the host country as an example, the central theme of the conference will touch topics regarding conservative, audacious and pragmatic solutions to sustainability and agricultural challenges. Although Israel’s geographical position and arid climate are not conducive to a competitive agriculture comparable to that of Europe, through sustainable methods and modern technology, Israel has managed to overcome its climatic handicap and has succeeded in developing efficient agriculture in the country. Due to the climate changes taking place at European level represented by global warming and the considerable decrease in rainfall, Europeans will have to find solutions as soon as possible to make agriculture more efficient. Of course, it must be borne in mind that more is not necessarily better, so the solutions found must not lower the quality of products. We also want farming to be as environmentally friendly as possible, while trying to preserve as much as possible the balance of the ecosystems of which agricultural land is part. During the panels, speakers will bring their expertise to the audience and will try to come up with the most innovative and efficient solutions in terms of raw material production for what will be food for the human and animal population.

The evening will culminate with a festive dinner at the end of the conference where participants will be able to exchange ideas with the speakers in a more relaxed setting. This will conclude the third conference of this year’s European Cultural Weekend project, where curatorial speakers will be able to share with their colleagues their expertise on various topics of interest.

The event will end on Monday with participants leaving with hopefully fresh information and innovative ideas on sustainable agriculture and the challenges it presents.