
Almost 9 Million Italians Choose Snow for Holidays in Winter 2024

Trade and Economics - June 5, 2024

According to a report by Tecnè for Federalberghi, more than 6 million Italians have opted for the White Week.

The winter period in Italy sees a large number of holidaymakers flocking in search of a snowy experience, as revealed by recent data provided by Tecnè for Federalberghi. With 8.9 million Italians who embraced the snow between January and March, the country confirms itself as a privileged destination for snow holidays. Of these, the majority, equal to 6.5 million, opted for the classic ski week, while 2.4 million preferred to concentrate on the weekends. This holiday fervour has generated an impressive turnover, reaching 6.1 billion euros, of which 4.3 billion are attributable to ski weeks. The preference for Italy clearly emerges, with 95.5% of holidaymakers deciding to stay in the Bel Paese. The northern regions attract 72.6% of guests for weekly holidays, while only 22.9% go towards the central-southern regions, partly due to the limited snowfall in the Apennines. For weekends, 38.6% opt for the Centre-South, while 61.4% prefer the northern regions.

The data highlights a trend towards advance booking, with Italians organizing their holidays at least a month in advance. The choice of accommodation mainly falls on hotels, highlighting a preference for the comfort and services offered. Snow lovers indulge in skiing and other sporting activities, as well as enjoying walks and local food and wine experiences. However, the lower spending capacity leads many to give up too expensive destinations, while keeping alive the desire for a holiday in the mountains, taking care not to exceed the available budget. For ski weeks, the average expense per person is around 670 euros, including transport, accommodation, meals, ski facilities and other leisure activities. Most of the funds go towards meals, followed by accommodation and travel. Hotels remain the most popular choice for accommodation, followed by bed & breakfasts. The guiding criteria in location selection are the natural beauty and recreation opportunities offered.

For snow weekends, per capita spending is reduced to 257 euros, with a similar breakdown of spending items. The homes of relatives and friends become the predominant choice for accommodation, followed by bed & breakfasts. The ease of reaching and the natural beauty influence the choice of location for weekends. Inflation is impacting holidaymakers’ decisions, with 60% of those opting for weekends giving up their ski holiday due to rising prices. Among those who give up their holiday, the main reasons are economic, followed by price increases and family reasons. Snow tourism in Italy continues to be one of the main preferences of Italians during the winter months. With a wide range of options and destinations, Italy confirms itself as an ideal destination for those looking for an unforgettable experience in the snow, whether for a week or a short weekend.

This phenomenon not only fuels the local economy of mountain regions, but also contributes to the promotion of sustainable tourism, encouraging the conservation of natural resources and the valorization of local traditions. However, rising prices and economic restrictions influence holidaymakers’ choices, pushing them to find alternative solutions or give up skiing holidays altogether. To address these challenges, a holistic approach involving government, tourism operators and local communities is needed to ensure an accessible and sustainable offering. Furthermore, targeted investments in infrastructure and tourism promotion can help keep the attractiveness of Italian mountain regions alive, ensuring long-term benefits for all actors involved.The hope of the related industries linked to Italian winter tourism is hoping for greater snowfalls in the coming years, especially for the ski installations in the centre and south which have had enormous difficulties this year due to the lack of snow.