The last weekend of June comes with another surprise offered by European conservatives, with Italy as the host country for the next European Culture Weekend conference. The location chosen this time by ECR Party representatives is the island of Ischia, one of the most popular destinations among tourists visiting Italy, and it will certainly live up to the expectations of the participants.
The largest island of the archipelago called Phlegraean Islands formed in the Bay of Naples, Ischia is an island of volcanic origin, located 30 kilometers from Naples. The island, although mountainous, has a population density of about 1300 inhabitants per square kilometer and is known among tourists especially for its thermal waters and is referred to as one of the largest spas in Europe.
The ECR Party is coming to Ischia to address the challenges and opportunities facing Europe – a regulation and collaboration in tourism and transport. There, you will see European politicians discussing the latest topics with industry leaders and policy experts, as well as discovering the splendid European landscape that is Ischia and the European historical landmarks held on the island.
The main topic of the conference that will take place from June 23-25, will be tourism and the influence of European institutions on European tourism. The event is part of the European Culture Weekend series of conferences, the fourth this year after those held in Split (Croatia), Sofia (Bulgaria) and Jerusalem (Israel). This time too, the organisers have invited leading representatives of the tourism industry and officials with a say in policy decisions taken at European level so that sustainable solutions for the European tourism industry can be found after the discussions.
Guests will arrive on Friday at the Continental Therme Hotel and, in the evening, there will be a social dinner where participants will have the chance to meet and socialise with important political leaders of European conservatives.
On Saturday there will be a conference where the main focus of the discussion will be on European tourism. In the context that most European countries, mainly the southern European ones, base a good part of their gross domestic product on tourism, the organizers considered that this topic deserves to be debated and sustainable solutions found to revive European tourism post pandemic.
Among the speakers who have accepted the ECR Party’s invitation to attend the conference in Ischia are Daniela Santanché, Italy’s Minister of Tourism, Galeazzo Bignami, Italy’s Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Eddie Wilson, Chief Executive Officer of Ryanair Ireland, and Valentina Superti, Director for Tourism at the European Commission in Italy.
The conference will debate topics such as religious tourism and important locations in Europe from this perspective, conservative strategies and business perspectives for cultural tourism, as well as the aviation system as an asset for mobility in tourism. In addition, the influence of the European Commission on tourism will be debated.
For those interested in attending the conference organised by ECR Party in Ischia the programme for Saturday is as follows:
9:30-10:00 Welcome: Michele Schiano – MP, Italy
Official opening: Antonio Giordano – MP, Secretary General ECR Party, Italy
Nicola Procaccini – MEP, co-Chairman of ECR Group, European Parliament, Italy.
10:00-10:15 Keynote speeches – Alessandra Priante – Director for Europe, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Italy.
Panel I: Tourism and culture: business perspective and conservative strategies
Moderator: Domenico Lombardi, Economist and Opinionist, Italy.
Adela Mirza – President of Alternativa Dreapta, Romania
Barbara Kolm – VP Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Austria
Ilenya Lucaselli – MP, head of FDI Budget Committee Chamber of Deputy, Italy
Barbara Arbitrio – CEO AMI ITALIA, Italy
Panel II: Mobility in tourism: the aviation system as a strength Moderator: Gregory Alegi – Aviation journalist, Italy.
Introduction: Galeazzo Bignami – Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Italy.
Pasqualino Monti – Chief Executive Officer, ENAV S.p.A, Italy ·
Fabio Lazzerini – Chief Executive Officer, ITA Airways, Italy
Veronica Pamio – Vice President External Relations & Sustainability – Aeroporti di Roma, Italy
Eddie Wilson – Chief Executive Officer, Ryanair, Ireland
Panel III: European tourism system: how much influence can the Eu Commission have?
Moderator – Giancarla Rondinelli, Political reporter RAI 1, Italy
Daniela Santanché – Minister for Tourism, Italy.
Valentina Superti – Director for Tourism in the European Commission (DG GROW), Italy
Tommaso Foti – MP, Chairman of Deputies FDI, Italy
Carlo Fidanza – MEP, Head of FDI delegation, Italy
Marina Lalli – President of Federturismo, Italy
Tommaso Tanzilli – Member of the Board of Directors of Ferrovie dello Stato, Italy
Panel IV: Religious tourism in Europe: itineraries to discover our identity
Moderator: Donatella Di Nitto, Head of press office Fdi Camera, Italy
Federico Mollicone – MP, Chairman of the Culture Committee, Chamber of Deputy, Italy
Gianluca Caramanna – MP, Advisor to the Minister of Tourism, Italy
Fabio Roscani – MP, Leader of FDI Youth Movement, Italy
Ladislav Ilcic – MEP, Croatian Sovereignist Party, Croatia
On Saturday evening, the organizers have prepared a special closing dinner in a surprise location where participants and speakers will be able to socialize and share opinions and views on European tourism, where else but in one of Italy’s most charming islands.
Sunday will be dedicated to cultural activities where the organizers have prepared a guided tour of the island as well as a visit to the famous Giardini la Mortella.