When US Vice President JD Vance gave his high-profile speech at the Munich Security Conference, large parts of the audience could not believe their ears. A US vice president criticized Europe for not taking responsibility for its own security. JD Vance first emphasized that it is of the utmost importance for Europe that the EU and the European NATO members take external security threats seriously. Russia, but also China, are constant threats to Europe’s peace and stability and their ambitions must be taken seriously and countered with determination and effectiveness.
But, Vance argued to the surprise of the audience, it is more worrying that Europe cannot keep its internal security in order. It is even more worrying that Europeans seem hesitant, Vance argued, when it comes to upholding certain basic democratic principles such as freedom of speech and opinion. It is also more worrying that the European elites are deliberately trying to silence parties and movements that have broad popular support and that should be integrated into the political conversation instead of being shut out. And above all, it is troubling, Vance declared, that Europe does not seem to have understood that uncontrolled immigration contributes to destabilizing Europe and making life more dangerous for its citizens. And here Vance could refer to the act of terror that had been committed in Munich just a day before by a young asylum seeker.
The reactions that the speech has provoked say a lot about the contradictions that exist between the new American Trump administration and the politicians who are currently leading many of Europe’s countries.
When you take note of the criticism coming from Europe against Trump – but also against Elon Musk and now JD Vance – you can see that it is directed at what is seen as the undemocratic tactics that Trump uses. The Trump administration is meddling in the internal affairs of other countries in a way we have not seen before. Elon Musk, who seems to have Trump’s full confidence, comments on British as well as German politics. Elon Musk has also been given carte blanche to “clean out” the woke culture from American authorities.
Regardless of what we think of Trump’s policies—and there’s a lot we can think about them, it’s clear that Europe is in shock that the new administration is simply implementing what it believes to be the right policies. And it seems to be the act itself that shocks. (And Vice President Vance’s speech in Münich can be considered as a pretty violent “speech act” in this perspective.) The measures are so extensive and fast that many Europeans – and Americans of course – wonder if all this can really be described as democratic.
But here we must remember that Trump was clear in the election campaign that he wanted, for example, to purge the “woke thinking” from the American authorities. He was also clear that he would seriously address illegal immigration. He was clear that he intended to speak with Russia to, if possible, end the war in Ukraine. He was clear that he would use tariffs as a tool to strengthen domestic industry.
All this he now carries out in his capacity as the chief representative of the American people. And of course, Trumps politics should be scrutinized and criticized. And the American people will be able to review his action in the midterm elections coming up soon and in the next presidential election.
It’s getting fast now in the US, and a lot is happening. But what is happening is happening in accordance with the most fundamental principle of Western democracy. The people elect their representatives, and these are expected to implement the policies they were elected on.
Things are changing rapidly in the United States, but the basic principle of democracy remains: the power belongs to the people.