In Rome a new edition of Atreju is underway, the most important Italian right-wing event. The initiative, which has an extensive calendar of events, started on Sunday December 8 and will see a conclusion on Sunday December 15 with a speech by Giorgia Meloni, President of Fratelli d’Italia, of the European Conservatives party and Italian Prime Minister. This year, the Circus Maximus is the setting for the initiative, which will also see a conspicuous representation of outstanding members of the European Conservatives, who will have an entire panel with the very evocative title of ‘Conservatives in and beyond Europe’.
Atreju has always been regarded as the event of confrontation, a non-party event. For this reason, all editions have been linked by the conviction that debate can only enrich, thus hosting personalities from all political and cultural sensitivities to enhance the confrontation on the major issues of the moment. In particular, this edition wants to highlight the role of Italy and its peculiar characteristics with the title ‘The Italian Way – Concrete Responses to a Changing World’. The aim is to investigate in depth ‘the Italian approach’, both in a domestic and international context. An attempt to outline a true ‘Italian way’ in all facets of international relations, especially at a time when crises dominate the international scenario and the specificity of chancelleries – European but not only – may be the only way forward. Whether these crises are related to the country’s internal problems, development, economy, security, or whether they concern Italy’s approach to the international scenario, global instability, green and digital transition, they represent major challenges in relation to which Italy and its government are setting themselves apart from their international counterparts.
Precisely because of the high profile of this edition of Atreju, the panel that will host various elements of the European Conservatives is very important in order to analyse the different approaches and perspectives of the various EU Member States represented within the group. In particular, the panel dedicated to European Conservatives, which will be held on 13 December and moderated by Antonio Giordano (MP, Secretary General of the ECR Party, Italy), will feature Luca Ciriani (Minister for Relations with the Parliament, Italy), Adam Bielan (MEP, Head of the Polish Delegation, Poland), Lord Martin Callanan (Former Secretary of State for Energy, United Kingdom), Gila Gamliel (Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Israel), Olena Khomenko (MEP, Vice-President of European Conservatives and Democratic Alliance Group, Council of Europe, Ukraine) Marion Maréchal (MEP, Head of the French Delegation, France) and Georgiana Teodorescu (MEP, Romania). This is also a way to discuss the path traced by the Meloni government and to address the major issues of the present, an approach that favours the national interest while respecting the countries taking part in the debate with the aim, always present in this government, of strengthening the role played by Italy in a proactive perspective that makes its approach on international tables unique.
When dealing with the most important and pressing international issues, a large group of guests from different parts of the world is also needed. In particular, on Saturday 14th there will be the opportunity to meet and exchange views with the President of Argentina, Javier Milei. Also on Saturday, on the Atreju stage, there will be an important debate on the Middle East issue, with the participation of the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Najib Mikati. Finally, a very important topic for the Italian peninsula, always present in the internal debate, will be discussed: migration flows. Will speak on the issue the interior ministers Yvette Cooper (United Kingdom), Bruno Retailleau (France), Byron Camilleri (Malta) and Matteo Piantedosi (Italy). ‘The Italian way’ is also a way to discuss Italy’s approach to issues such as peacekeeping, or computer networks and the great challenges of the digital future. These two topics will be discussed in two different debates. The first is titled ‘Peacekeepers – The Italian way to peace building’, introduced by Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata (FdI Senator, President of the European Union Policies Commission) and moderated by journalist Francesco Verderami. The contributions of Guido Crosetto (Minister of Defence), Lorenzo Fontana (President of the Chamber of Deputies), Ettore Rosato (Member of Action), Andrea Margelletti (President of the Centre for International Studies) and Stefano Pontecorvo (President of Leonardo) will be valuable. The second debate will be named ‘The Highway of Clicks – The Italian way to efficient, secure and resilient networks’. This appointment will be introduced by Salvatore Deidda (FdI MP and Chairman of the Transport, Post and Telecommunications Commission) and moderated by journalist Hoara Borselli. Alessio Butti (Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with responsibility for technological innovation), Enrico Bagnasco (CEO of Sparkle), Sabrina De Filippis (CEO of Mercitalia Logistics FS), Giulia Gasparini (Head Amazon AWS), Lorenzo Mariani (Co-General Manager of Leonardo) and Francesco Salerni (Director of Strategy, Digital technology and Sustainability of Terna) will take the floor.
There will be several debates featuring important personalities on the Italian scene, but with a resonance that is and has also been European and international in some ways. Opening the programme of debates on Sunday 8th we had ‘Uomini mai allineati’ (Men Never Aligned) with Fausto Bertinotti, Paolo Bonolis and Pietrangelo Buttafuoco. Atreju has always been the festival of political confrontation, but not only. Giuseppe Conte, leader of the M5s, as well as the governor of Puglia, Michele Emiliano, and the governor of Emilia-Romagna, Michele De Pascale, will be speaking at this edition of Atreju. There will also be speeches by Carlo Calenda of Azione, Luciano Violante, in his role as President Emeritus of the Chamber of Deputies, and Lgbt activist Anna Paola Concia. One of the most eagerly awaited discussions is about the justice system and its reform. Minister Carlo Nordio will converse on this with Giuseppe Santalucia, president of the National Association of Magistrates.
Naturally, the government and its institutions will have a considerable weight in the debate. In fact, this year’s event will once again host the most important institutional and governmental officials, such as the Presidents of Chamber and Senate, Lorenzo Fontana and Ignazio La Russa. The Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Raffaele Fitto, will also participate, taking the stage together with former Prime Minister and Secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta. As far as government representatives are concerned, the participation of some ministers has been ensured. Among these will be Minister Lollobrigida who will discuss the topic of ‘Italian quality’, Urso will focus instead on the actions needed to relaunch the automotive sector, Minister Schillaci will deal with investments to relaunch the national economy, while Defence Minister Crosetto will have the task of outlining in his speech what the ‘Italian way’ to peace building is, especially in relation to the conflicts on the international chessboard. Then for health, Roccella will speak on the future of the family, Giuli on the rebirth of Italian cinema, Musumeci on decarbonisation, Santanché on the management of tourism at the time of the Jubilee, Ciriani on European conservatives, Abodi on football reform. Finally, there will also be a chance to talk about the economic successes of the Meloni government with Ministers Giorgetti and Foti, about employment with Marina Calderone, with Pichetto Fratin on nuclear power and renewables, with Valditara and Bernini on the debate in schools and universities, and finally with Casellati, Calderoli and Zangrillo on reforms and autonomy.
Atreju has always reserved a special place for stars from the worlds of entertainment, music and sport. Among them, in this edition will be directors Federico Moccia and Fausto Brizzi, actresses Claudia Gerini, Maria Grazia Cucinotta and Rocio Munoz Morales, singer Nina Zilli, and Olympic champion Elisa Di Francisca. Last but not least, the moment of the awarding of the ‘Atreju prize’, that in this edition of the event will be presented first and foremost to Olivia Maurel, an activist who was born with a surrogate mother and who, over the years, has worked hard to raise awareness for the abolition of this practice at an international level. The prize will also be awarded to Kimia Yousofi, an Afghan Paralympic athlete, to Edoardo Vianello, an iconic Italian singer-songwriter, and to Stefania Battistini and Simone Traini, RAI journalists under arrest in Russia for their journalistic activities on the other side of the Ukrainian border.