In the series of conferences organised by ECR Party, Jerusalem is hosting the next European Culture Weekend. European Conservatives will be present from the 2nd-5th of June 2023 in the symbolic city of Christianity.
This conference is the third ECR Party event of the year and the topics will focus on sustainable agriculture and water management strategies.
It is well known that the future of mankind depends on drinking water supplies and specialists repeatedly warn that the next global crisis will not be a financial one but a water crisis or, more precisely, a water shortage crisis. Although Europe is not currently so affected by a possible loss of drinking water supplies, there are plenty of areas in the world, with a considerably large population, where authorities are desperately trying to provide their citizens with the second most important element on the planet after air, water.
At the same time, the growth of the planet’s population automatically implies an increase in the need for food. Climate change unfortunately means that large areas of land no longer provide the same yield of products that are so necessary to provide the raw materials for the production of basic foodstuffs for the population.
In this context the speakers will try to find conservative, audacious and pragmatic solutions to sustainability and agricultural challenges. For this, the host country, Israel, will be a good example to follow. Despite the fact that the climatic situation in Israel is not conducive to agriculture comparable to that in Europe, Israel has managed through sustainable water management techniques and state-of-the-art agricultural technology to overcome its deficit due to its geographical location and climate. Thus, with vision and proper decision-making, Israel has succeeded in transforming its once barren agricultural land into fertile and productive land. Given the climatic situation in Europe over the past year, where global warming and lack of rainfall are beginning to take their toll, sustainable and pragmatic measures must be taken as soon as possible.
Participants will have the opportunity to meet on Friday for a welcome cocktail, and the next day they will have the opportunity to take part in a tour organized by the hosts of the conference to places of interest in Jerusalem. The most important and much awaited visit will be to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The church is located in the Christian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The church houses the two most important sites of Christianity, the place where Jesus was crucified and the tomb where he was buried and where he later resurrected. The church dates back to the 4th century but over the years it has been rebuilt several times, but each time elements of the previous structure have been preserved.
On Sunday morning the conference day will begin with the registration of participants and the opening ceremony with a welcome speech by the hosts. Afterwards there will be several panels where speakers will talk about their solutions to agricultural and water efficiency and sustainability. Agriculture is food and food is life. In order to stay physically and mentally healthy we need quality food, and as the world’s population grows, so does the need for food. This requires more food to be produced, but at the same time we must not compromise on the quality of the food, and last but not least we must not forget the impact of intensive farming on the ecosystem. Innovative solutions must be found to take these important issues into account.
In the evening, conference participants will have the opportunity to socialize at the festive closing dinner. Here, in a more relaxed setting, participants will be able to discuss with the speakers the important topics addressed during the conference.
Like the other European Culture Weekend events organised by ECR Party, the Jerusalem event promises to offer participants a unique experience in a location with a historical significance that is unmissable for all Christians today.