The conservatives are ready for the last major event before the upcoming European elections on June 8-9. Numerous events are scheduled to present their vision of the world. This will take place in Madrid from Friday, May 17 to Sunday, May 19.
A packed program is ready to tell a lot and to compare different themes with high-level guests. Among the panels, there will be one titled: “Sustainability and green energy challenges and opportunities.” The moderator will be Simona Petrucci, an Italian Senator. The speakers will be Giedrius Surplys – Member of Parliament from Lithuania, Neno Dimov – Former Minister of Environment and Waters, founder of the Conservative Institute, from Bulgaria, Robert Roos – Member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands, Julio Utrilla – Member of Parliament from Spain, Mireia Borrás – Candidate for EU elections and Former Member of Parliament, Spain.
The ECR is characterized by a conservative and skeptical view towards many of the environmental and ecological policies promoted by the EU. This is because, instead of preserving nature, the true goal of some parliamentary groups is to be ideological rather than genuinely practical about such a topic. The ECR’s position regarding ecological transition and the environment is based on key principles reflecting their ideological and political beliefs.
Firstly, the ECR is critical of the overly stringent environmental regulations imposed by the EU. They argue that such regulations can stifle the economy, hindering innovation and economic growth. For the ECR, it is essential that environmental policies are balanced and take into account the economic and social needs of member states. In this sense, they promote an approach that favors the free market and technological innovation as the main tools to address environmental challenges. An example of this philosophy is seen in the attention the ECR gives to nuclear energy, considered a clean and sustainable energy source in the long term. This too will be addressed during the panel.
Another central aspect of the ECR’s position concerns national sovereignty. They argue that decisions related to environmental policies should be made at the national level rather than imposed by Brussels. This is because each country has unique needs and conditions that must be respected. A centralized approach can be ineffective and unfair, penalizing some member states to the advantage of others. The safeguarding of national interests must always be defended, especially when leftist alternatives are made for propaganda purposes.
The ECR also criticizes the EU’s orientation towards extremely ambitious climate goals, including the European Green Deal. While recognizing the importance of combating climate change, conservatives believe that the goals must be realistic and achievable without causing significant economic disruption. To this end, the ECR proposes a gradual and pragmatic approach to ecological transition, allowing economies to adapt without excessive shocks.
A quote that well summarizes the conservative philosophy towards nature and the environment comes from Edmund Burke, a thinker often associated with the roots of conservative thought: “Society is a contract between the living, the dead, and those yet to be born.” This phrase reflects the idea of intergenerational responsibility that is dear to conservatives: the need to preserve the environment not only for present well-being but also for future generations, without compromising current stability and prosperity.
Ultimately, the ECR promotes a model of ecological transition that prioritizes the balance between economic development and environmental protection. They see technological innovation, the free market, and national sovereignty as the fundamental pillars for an effective and sustainable environmental policy. Although critical of the centralized and overly ambitious regulations of the EU, they still recognize the need to address environmental challenges in a responsible and pragmatic way, in line with the principles of conservative thought. How can all this be achieved? It will be discovered on May 18 during the meeting.