
European Commission against Trump

Politics - August 13, 2024

Possibly the most relevant news yesterday was the open and public letter addressed by Commissioner Thierry Breton to Elon Musk and Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X, formerly Twitter.

This letter is the most obvious example that the Von der Leyen Commission (now acting Commissioners) has behaved in a mafia-like manner for the past 5 years and that nothing tells us that this will change in the next 5 years.
They have behaved in a mafia-like manner towards farmers and breeders accusing them of being responsible for climate change; they have behaved in a mafia-like manner towards European companies and corporations imposing a permanent blackmail on them: either you accept our directives and regulations or you will be attacked, with all our means and propaganda and turned into pariahs of the earth.

Commissioner Thierry Breton threatens Elon Musk and his company with coercive and punitive measures under the Digital Services Directive – don’t forget that X is already under investigation and prosecution after having opened its network to political, cultural and scientific pluralism – as a consequence (literally as the letter reads) of Elon Musk announcing an open conversation with Donald Trump, former president of the United States, and Republican candidate for the presidency.
Millions of people around the world have heard the interview. Millions of people were going to hear it and the European Commission, aware of this, tried to blackmail Elon Musk, seriously interfering in the electoral process in the United States of America and in the personal activity of Elon Musk, who can obviously have whatever conversations he wants with Trump or whoever he considers, especially if the conversations are of unquestionable public interest and are held, as everyone knew they would be, and were, in the strictest respect for the rules of politeness and courtesy.

Commissioner Breton’s letter and threat are extraordinarily serious. Not with respect to Musk and Trump, who obviously have the capacity and determination not to be cowed. They are very serious because in reality they are a threat to any businessman, journalist, talk show host, media group, social network that dares to open up spaces of freedom and pluralism.
It is an unacceptable interference, obviously, in an electoral process in a great nation such as the United States, an ally and partner of the European nations. It is an action by the Commissioner whose negative consequences for Europe are impossible to determine at this stage.

Commissioner Breton has shown an absolute lack of respect for American democracy – in general, for anyone – and for the sovereignty of the American people, demonstrating the way in which the Brussels bureaucracy operates.

The European Union has already illegitimately intervened in the elections in Hungary, and then in Poland; it even made a pretense of doing so before Giorgia Meloni’s victory in Italy; and this letter announces that between now and November, the centralised, federalist, woke power of the European Commission will not stop meddling in internal US affairs.
That said, let Mr Breton’s letter not distract us from what is really important, such as the public conversation with candidate Donald Trump. He sounded firm, determined, convinced of his victory and with clear ideas about what he wants to do, both domestically and internationally.

Musk began by praising Trump for his response to the assassination attempt, and Trump responded by bringing God into the debate. His faith in God has been strengthened; a view that no doubt brings him closer to millions of voters around the world who have had that experience of faith in difficult times, perhaps in a marital crisis, or during a serious illness, or in any setback in their personal lives.

A large part of the conversation revolved around the massive and uncontrolled illegal immigration entering the United States through its southern border, with Trump stressing that these are not only people from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras or Mexico, but from all over the world, from Africa and Asia, threatening the very survival of the United States as a nation and not as a multicultural experiment, which is what the Democratic Party proposes, with Biden and Kamala Harris at its head.

As the conversation continued, Musk proposed a bold plan to cut government spending, directly linking inflation to excessive government spending; and suggesting the creation of a “Commission on Government Efficiency” to examine and reduce wasteful spending, noting that interest payments on the national debt have already exceeded the defence budget, a situation that demands immediate action. Trump punctuated with the anecdote of how he significantly reduced the purchase price of Air Force One that Obama had negotiated; making it clear that those social democratic politicians who believe that public money belongs to no one, waste and squander, mortgaging the future of the middle and working classes.

Undoubtedly, international politics has been the focus of much of the debate, and Trump has been very clear; it is Biden’s weakness and lack of intelligence that has given wings to Russian, Korean or Chinese autocrats; remarking on several occasions that the greatest threat to human beings and the Planet is not global warming but nuclear warming, since the nefarious policy of the Democrats in the USA has created a Russia-China-Korea-Iran axis with a greater nuclear deterrence capacity than the American one.

In short, freedom is at stake and we Europeans already know that the European Commission is not on the side of free men but on the side of press control and censorship.