On 8 May 2024, Robert Williams, an American analyst, published a lengthy article in the Gatestone Institute’s magazine entitled ‘Israel’s New Security Threat: Will the United States Be Next? “In it, with a wealth of facts and quotes, he recounts how the Chinese government has suddenly decided, after the Hamas terrorist attack on the people of Israel on the fateful 7 October last year, to become a loyal and public ally of Hamas, and all indications are that the Chinese Communist Party is promoting, through Chinese state-owned companies and consortiums operating in Israel, an economic boycott of its ports, logistics and transportation lines.
The article relates how the Chinese Communist government, after appearing as an ally of Israel and promoting the signing of numerous trade and cooperation agreements, and with investments in strategic sectors through Chinese companies and giants, with clear state dependence, has obtained a clear influence over the Israeli economy and how it also has the means and structure to obtain critical information that affects the security of the State of Israel and its population.
With regard to this article, and given that one of the themes of the next legislature, which will be absolutely decisive for the future of the European nations and the Union, will be security, both internal and external, defence and intelligence, in the sense of information, the lesson cannot fail to be learned.
Raw materials, energy, transport (land, sea and air), transport infrastructure and formal and non-formal education are sectors where Member States must be fully aware of the need to develop their own public and private enterprises. For decades, Europe has been renting services, products and logistics from third powers, be they American or Asian. This dependence can create a false sense of security, as the third party to whom the sector has been ceded is always susceptible to change sides or to have interests other than European ones in mind.
Encouraging European companies, whether national or EU-based, to be leaders in strategic sectors is something that many governments have given up on for various reasons. Lack of political will, more or less public alliances, alleged dependencies – such as Germany’s on Russian gas – or sometimes lack of resources, have led to a permanent decline in Europe’s presence in Europe and especially in other continents. South America, Africa and Asia are increasingly dependent on China, and nations such as Spain and France, in South America and Africa respectively, see their influence diminish year by year. In both cases, this is the fault of politicians more concerned with occupying domestic spheres of power or the ideological imposition of their globalist and leftist principles, such as Macron or Sánchez.
Patriotic and conservative movements across Europe have an answer to these challenges. Strengthen European businesses and jobs, increase productivity, protect strategic sectors from unwanted foreign interference, and forge alliances with partners whose trustworthiness is as guaranteed as possible. But above all, invest in European talent, in European entrepreneurship, in European security.
Obviously, the wrong path is the one followed by certain European chancelleries – the most serious being the one taken by Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain – of confronting the only democracy and rule of law in the Middle East by recognising, after the atrocious massacre of 7 October by Hamas, a so-called Palestinian state.
Especially because this so-called Palestinian state does not exist now since, as everyone knows, the Gaza Strip is under the control of Hamas, which is neither a state nor can it ever be one, using the civilian population as ‘human shields’ in order to use the dead and wounded as propaganda; while the West Bank is subject to another authority and control.