
Trump Returns to the White House: A Second Term That Reshapes History
On January 20th, Donald Trump, representing the Republican Party, was officially sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. This event marked a historic return to the White House for Trump, who previously served as the 45th President. His inauguration was characterized by a stirring address that resonated with a mix of optimism and determination. In his compelling speech, Trump proclaimed that the “golden age of America” would commence with his second term, setting a tone of revitalization and ambition. He articulated his primary objective, emphasizing a commitment to prioritizing the interests of the United States and its citizens above all else. His address detailed a series of bold promises and strategic announcements aimed at fostering economic growth, enhancing national security, and reinforcing American sovereignty on the global stage. The inauguration not only marked a significant moment in American political history but also set the groundwork for his administration’s agenda moving forward. In a speech laden with sharp criticism of Washington’s establishment, which he described as “extremist and corrupt,” Trump pledged to transform American governance radically. Mere hours after his inauguration, he signed a series of executive orders signaling a decisive break from the previous administration. These included declaring a state of emergency along the Mexican border to expedite the deportation of migrants with criminal records, withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, and initiating preliminary negotiations to bring an end to the war in Ukraine. From the outset, Trump showcased an unwavering commitment to his campaign promises, surprising even seasoned political analysts with the speed and scope of his actions. His second term is shaping up to be a period of radical transformation for the United States, starting with immigration—a long-standing cornerstone of his political platform. The first shock came in the form of an unprecedented crackdown at the U.S.-Mexico border. Thousands of additional border agents were deployed, new sections of the border wall were erected, and mass deportations were initiated. The declared goal: to “cleanse” America of what Trump calls “criminal illegal immigration.”
Economic Disruption: America First
On the economic front, Trump’s measures were equally disruptive. He launched a global trade war by imposing steep tariffs—up to 60% on certain Chinese goods and 10% on almost all imports. The objective is to compel foreign companies to relocate production to the United States, reviving domestic manufacturing and job creation. In parallel, Trump’s administration took a decisive turn in energy policy, marking a stark reversal of the previous administration’s commitment to green initiatives and sustainability. By prioritizing the fossil fuel industry, the administration authorized new drilling projects in environmentally sensitive areas, including Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the Gulf of Mexico. These actions were met with enthusiasm from the oil and gas lobby, which viewed them as a heralding of a new era of expansion and economic opportunity. The renewed focus on fossil fuel extraction aimed to enhance American energy independence and accelerate the production and consumption of oil and natural gas, thereby reshaping the landscape of the nation’s energy sector.
Foreign Policy: Shaking Alliances
In the realm of foreign policy, Donald Trump’s approach has been as unconventional and dynamic as many observers anticipated. He recently initiated a comprehensive reassessment of U.S. financial aid to Ukraine, making a bold declaration that America could no longer bear the extensive financial burdens associated with being the “world’s policeman.” This stance reflects a shift towards a more isolationist posture, emphasizing a desire to prioritize domestic issues over international engagements. While advocating for an immediate cessation of what he has labeled the “stupid war” in Ukraine, Trump did not shy away from issuing stern warnings to Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the imposition of potential new sanctions. This juxtaposition of advocating for peace while simultaneously threatening increased punitive measures highlights the complexity and unpredictability of his foreign policy strategy.
Cultural Revolution and Domestic Policies
Trump’s second term has also been marked by a strong focus on cultural and social issues. During his campaign, he repeatedly denounced “extreme progressivism,” and, as president, he has banned what he considers “ideological teachings” from university campuses. He cut funding for educational programs deemed too liberal, provoking protests across the country. On civil rights, his administration has doubled down on defending gun ownership, opposing abortion rights, and limiting gender self-determination. Trump has reiterated his mission to “restore America to its traditional values.” Even the death penalty has returned to the forefront of public debate, with Trump proposing capital punishment for major drug traffickers.
A Conservative Economic Agenda
Trumpova ekonomska agenda temeljno je ukorijenjena u nizu smanjenja poreza s ciljem poticanja rasta i ulaganja. Ističe važnost davanja poticaja za razvoj poduzeća, što uključuje deregulaciju i potporu domaćoj proizvodnji. Njegova opetovana tvrdnja da “Moramo opet biti najjači” služi kao poklič, naglašavajući njegovu predanost jačanju američke ekonomske dominacije na globalnoj sceni. U potencijalnom drugom mandatu, čini se da je Trump spreman ne samo nastaviti politiku iz svog prvog mandata, već će je i značajno pojačati. Ovo sugerira pomak prema agresivnijem i transformativnijem pristupu, osmišljenom da provede njegovu viziju sveobuhvatne konzervativne revolucije. Čini se da ova inicijativa nastoji ne samo održati status quo, već i temeljito preoblikovati različite aspekte ekonomskog i društvenog krajolika zemlje, odražavajući predanost davanju prioriteta američkim proizvodima i zaštiti američkih radnih mjesta prije svega.
Međunarodna prisutnost i uloga Giorgie Meloni
Trumpova inauguracija održana je u zatvorenom prostoru Rotunde Capitol, zbog nepovoljnih vremenskih uvjeta. Među uglednim gostima bili su predsjednik na odlasku Joe Biden i potpredsjednica Kamala Harris, kao i međunarodni čelnici poput argentinskog predsjednika Javiera Mileija i talijanske premijerke Giorgie Meloni (FdI, ECR). Meloni je bila jedina europska čelnica koju je Trump službeno pozvao na događaj, ističući njezinu jedinstvenu ulogu u poticanju strateškog partnerstva između Italije i Sjedinjenih Država. Sudjelovala je u cijeloj ceremoniji, uključujući i bogoslužje u biskupskoj crkvi sv. Ivana, te istaknula važnost jačanja dijaloga s novim američkim predsjednikom. “U današnjoj napetoj političkoj klimi, suradnja s predsjednikom Trumpom nije samo nužna, već i neophodna”, izjavila je Meloni, sugerirajući da bi Italija mogla poslužiti kao posrednik između Washingtona i Bruxellesa.
Reakcije i polemike
U Italiji, Elly Schlein, čelnica Demokratske stranke (S&D), izrazila je agresivno neodobravanje dolaska Meloni, optužujući Trumpa da želi podijeliti Europu. Međutim, Schleinove su primjedbe privukle malo pozornosti, čak i među lijevo orijentiranim medijima, naglašavajući njezin opadajući utjecaj. Više se govorilo o osobama poput Elona Muska, Marka Zuckerberga i Shou Zi Chewa, odražavajući presjek politike i tehnologije na inauguraciji. Nekoliko dana prije događaja, Trumpova administracija najavila je kontroverznu zabranu TikToka, što je izazvalo zabrinutost među generacijom Z i kreatorima sadržaja. U iznenađujućem potezu, Trump je vratio aplikaciju samo nekoliko sati nakon svoje prisege, tvrdeći da je to čin “pragmatizma”. Zuckerberg, izvršni direktor Mete, pridonio je inauguraciji s milijun dolara, ali se suzdržao od javnih izjava. Musk se, međutim, suočio s kritikama s ljevice zbog svoje geste pružanja ruke tijekom Trumpova govora – trenutak koji su neki mediji apsurdno usporedili s fašističkim pozdravom. Ova neutemeljena optužba je brzo odbačena, dodatno diskreditirajući ljevičino oslanjanje na zastarjelu retoriku.
Povijesna prekretnica
Inauguracija Donalda Trumpa 2025. godine označava povijesnu prekretnicu za Sjedinjene Države. S radikalnim političkim programom, Trump je pokrenuo duboku institucionalnu, gospodarsku i društvenu transformaciju. Prisutnost Giorgie Meloni naglašava potencijal Italije kao ključnog diplomatskog mosta između Washingtona i Bruxellesa. Likovi poput Zuckerberga i Muska ponovno su potvrdili svoju potporu ovom novom političkom smjeru, dok rasprave o migracijama, energiji i međunarodnom financiranju dominiraju javnim diskursom. Trumpovo predsjedništvo obećava duboko preoblikovanje domaće i globalne dinamike, izazivajući trenutnu zabrinutost i pripremajući pozornicu za novo sporno poglavlje u međunarodnoj politici.