
Key Victory for European Conservatives

Building a Conservative Europe - June 12, 2024

These European Elections of the last weekend of June have resulted in a resounding improvement of the parties belonging to ECR, which means an increase in the number of MEPs who will occupy seats of the European Conservatives and Reformists. Italy and Spain have been countries, among many others, where the Conservatives have achieved historic results for European elections.  

This, as mentioned above, has translated into an increase of four European Parliament Members for ECR, which has reached 73 MEPs. In Italy, almost 30% of voters chose the party led by Giorgia Meloni, who also chairs the European Conservatives and Reformists group, as the best option to represent Italian interests in the European institutions. On the other hand, in Spain, Vox has consolidated its position as the third force, obtaining more than one and a half million votes and increasing its representation by two seats, which is a clear message from the Spanish people to recognize the work that this party has been doing during the last five years in the European Parliament in defense of issues of great importance for Spain, such as agriculture and livestock, hunting or cultural wealth and protection.  

In this sense, the leader of Vox in the European institutions, Jorge Buxadé, has warned that the patriotic and sovereigntist forces are more numerous in number of deputies than the European socialist party, so he advocates an alliance of all these forces to become an indispensable actor in the formulation of European policies from now on. In addition, although he has first alarmed about the low electoral participation that has been experienced in Spain, alluding to reasons of disaffection and weariness for the politics of society, he could not help but congratulate the rest of ECR colleagues who have obtained important results at the polls. 

These circumstances, in this order of things, are a reflection of a shift that European citizens are taking towards conservative positions. One should not see this as an exceptional case, as it is a clear consequence of the disastrous policies pursued by the two major parties that have prevailed throughout the history of the European Union. Conservatives, however, have always had a clear objective that is already reaping great rewards throughout the Union. This has its raison d’être in the convictions of maintaining a Europe that is committed to the Christian legacy, a Europe that protects its citizens against external interference and ensures borders that give security and stability not only to society, but also to the economy. This is what the parties that make up the ECR party stand for and this is what more and more EU citizens want for their electoral choices and, consequently, their political and social life.  

On the other hand, it is necessary to mention the fall suffered by the parties of the left. It is important to see how their continuous defeats in each Member State have had the same end in elections in which they always aspired to remain within a parliamentary stability. Their ideals have been weakened and, what is worse, having a direct consequence on the citizens, their ideals have failed on fundamental issues such as immigration, security or the protection of the sovereignty of each Member State.  

There is, from this moment on, a long and prosperous road ahead for all the so-called conservative and reformist parties in Europe. They have the ability to join forces to be decisive and instrumental in the creation and composition of new parliamentary rules, new directives and new regulations. They have the possibility to make European citizens see that Europe needs conservative policies that will secure the future of the new generations. They have, in short, the perfect tool to start building a secure, prosperous and dynamic Europe.  

ECR has achieved historic results, as have many of its member parties, so it is time to reaffirm and assert the voice and vote of millions of Europeans who demand the policies advocated by European Conservatives and Reformists.