
Managing Migration: Responsibility and Balance

Politics - April 22, 2024

On April 11th, a highly consequential debate took place in the Congress of Deputies: the vote on the consideration of the Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) for the extraordinary regularization of over 500,000 illegal immigrants in our country. This proposal, which has sparked mixed opinions, reflects the complexity of an issue that goes beyond mere politics, touching the deepest fibers of our identity and national responsibility.

The ILP, approved by 310 votes in favor and 33 against, proposes to modify Organic Law 4/2000 on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain. This modification seeks to establish a procedure for the regularization of those foreigners who were in Spanish territory before November 1, 2021. It argues that this regularization will allow the entire migrant population to be visible, compensate for inequalities, and guarantee labor rights, thereby reducing situations of abuse and exploitation.

However, among the dissenting voices is VOX, whose position deserves careful consideration, as it has been the only Parliamentary Group to oppose the initiative. According to VOX deputy Rocío de Meer, while she has nothing against any country, preserving the Spanish identity is essential. It is legitimate to desire that Spain remains Spain, with its peculiarities and its history, without becoming another nation. This call for the preservation of national identity is not xenophobia or racism, but common sense.

Furthermore, the words of Deputy Carlos Hernández Quero in Congress add an important perspective. He rightly pointed out that previous policies “have created the perfect storm for global capitalism to play monopoly with our cities.” In this line, his colleague, Deputy Rocío de Meer, declared last week that Vox wants “Spain to remain Spain,” and not “Algeria or Senegal.” Defending this stance, she stated, “it’s not xenophobia or racism, it’s pure common sense.” Her statements provoked jeers from various benches in Congress.

Additionally, the deputy has compared this situation to the action of vultures, which focus on dead or dying substance. In this sense, it is essential to recognize that Spain is not in a position to bear a disproportionate migratory burden, especially in a context where millions of Spaniards are struggling against poverty and social exclusion.

VOX has deployed a campaign focused on illegal immigration, especially in regions like Catalonia, where it is imperative to address the issue seriously and without fear of labels. Citizen security and respect for the law are fundamental values ​​that must prevail in any migration debate.

Ultimately, the responsibility of any decision lies in safeguarding the national interest and the well-being of Spanish citizens. It is not about closing borders or denying help to those in need, but about managing such a complex phenomenon as migration in a responsible and prudent manner. It is time for Spain, with all its history and diversity, to find a balance between solidarity and the preservation of its identity and welfare.

In this context, it is essential to remember that national sovereignty and the preservation of cultural identity are fundamental pillars for any country. The proposal for the extraordinary regularization of illegal immigrants poses serious challenges that must be approached with caution and prudence.

VOX has clearly expressed its opposition to this initiative, highlighting legitimate concerns about the impact it could have on social cohesion and citizen security. It is necessary to recognize that Spain faces a series of internal challenges, such as unemployment and poverty, which must be addressed as a priority.