An alliance between conservatives, sovereignists, and libertarians to change Europe and the world.
The recent major event organized by Vox (ECR) in Madrid called “Viva” has just concluded. It was a thought-provoking demonstration that shed light on the political future of European and international rights. The event also outlined a possible path for a change in majority in the European Parliament.
During the event organized by Vox secretary Santiago Abascal, Argentine President, Javier Milei (PL), Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni (FdI, ECR), the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban (Fidesz, NI pro-ECR), and Marine Le Pen (RN, ID) all shared the same stage. The presence of Marine Le Pen at the event sparked much discussion, as there was a tendency to consider the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and Identity and Democracy (ID) as two alternative parties despite both being on the right of the political spectrum in Europe. This opening to the ECR, followed closely by the expulsion of the AfD Germans from the party after some ambiguous phrases about Nazism, sounds like an attempt to build a permanent alliance with the People’s Party.
Particularly exhilarating, however, to the point of being a real glue, was Milei’s speech: a continuous jab at socialism and the left, placing the theme of Freedom – dear to many European parties – at the center of his interests. “I have never left aside, nor will I in the future, the historic task of being a humble disseminator of the ideas of freedom” declared the Argentine President in his speech, adding “I am convinced that today more than ever these ideas and values that have brought the human species to the top are in danger and need to be defended from the siege of socialism, that ideology painted with an altruistic veneer which, fundamentally, hides the worst of the human being, which is envy, hatred, resentment, unequal treatment, without ever forgetting the 150 million human beings killed to follow the extremist theories of socialism.”
In his speech, Milei also commented on the situation in Europe and the United States, where in his opinion the signs of the path that led Argentina to destruction can be seen: high taxes, gender quotas, and pressure that makes work impossible for the entrepreneur they are among the key elements of his speech. Milei’s proposals, widely applauded by the Vox audience, provide for a free contract between workers and employers, without union mediation, a system of true equality between men and women, the intervention of the market to resolve environmental problems, and the recognition of the natural family. In short, there was less State and more Freedom, which could easily translate into less Eurocracy and more Europe of Homelands and Peoples.
Another long-awaited speech by Giorgia Meloni: “Europe is a tired, submissive, spoiled continent, which has thought of trading identity for ideology, freedom for convenience and today is paying the price for these choices. But all is not lost, when history calls we don’t hold back” said the Italian Prime Minister at the beginning of her speech. “Our continent is experiencing a period of uncertainty, of decline and it needs us. The European left, the main architect of this decline, accuses us of wanting to destroy Europe, but those who need to hide something lie. The European Union that they created is a bureaucratic giant that claims to regulate every aspect of our life but is incapable of giving itself a geopolitical mission: we want and can build a better Europe, which focuses its initiatives on important matters and on which it can give added value” she declared.
President Meloni then greeted the many young people present, stating how this is a courageous generation that has not submitted to the single dominant thought and that has placed conservative values as a pillar of their lives, fighting for what they believe in and being the only possible future for Europe. During Friday’s evening, in fact, more than six hundred young conservatives from all over Europe and beyond gathered in Madrid. Finally, she launched the appeal to ask for an end to “unnatural and counterproductive” majorities, effectively creating the PPE-ECR-ID coalition.
A positive sign in this sense is what led to the formation of the Dutch Government between Wilders’ Freedom Party (PVV, ID), the Civic-Peasant Movement (BBB, NI), the New Social Contract (NSC, PPE), and the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy which represented the previous Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD, RE). A coalition that goes from the liberals to the more nationalist right, a solution that was substantially supported and attempted to build during Viva in Madrid.
To date, the numbers would still not be sufficient: according to the latest estimates, a PPE-ID-ECR majority would be at 353, 8 less than the required majority. However, the 16 MEPs that the AfD should gain should be removed, mitigated by the 11 of Fidesz. In any case, support from the liberal group will be necessary. Still, certainly, in the event of an agreement, the hopes of creating a truly center-right majority in Europe are concrete.