Pedro Sánchez, Spain’s prime minister, is a problem for the EU, but not for Von der Leyen. Conclusion: Von der Leyen is a problem for the EU.
And I am referring to the massive, uncontrolled and largely promoted and encouraged by the Spanish socialist government, massive and uncontrolled inflows of illegal immigrants, which seriously threaten Spain and the whole of Europe.
As is well known, there are four main routes for illegal immigration into Europe (the legal route has 27 entry routes, in each Member State, complying with the requirements of national laws adjusted to the international framework, where appropriate): the Eastern Mediterranean Route (Greece and Cyprus), permanently threatened by Turkey’s erratic behaviour; the Central Mediterranean Route (Italy and Malta), seriously damaged by the dire consequences of the propagandistic Arab Spring in Tunisia, Syria, Algeria; and the Western Mediterranean and West African Routes, which affect Spain (either via the Balearic Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and directly the Peninsula; or via the Canary Islands).

The immigration balance in Spain in 2024 could not be more disastrous. The Canary Islands route has registered an exorbitant increase reaching 46,570 illegal entries (registered), with an increase of 16.7% compared to the year 2023, which in turn increased by more than 150%.
The figures are scandalous when compared precisely with the figures for the Western Mediterranean route, where the Italian government has managed to reduce entries by 58%, from more than 150,000 immigrants to just over 65,000.
Of course, the determining reason is that the illegal human trafficking mafias, if they see that the Italian route is closed or becomes more difficult, look for alternatives. The weakness of Sánchez’s government, and its practical submission to Morocco’s policy, are the perfect conditions.
From Senegal, Mauritania or Morocco, the mafias send hundreds of boats to the Canary Islands. These immigrants, with practically no control whatsoever, are transferred to the Peninsula, on flights paid for by all Spaniards, in little more than 72 hours; and from the Peninsula, they move freely through European space.
That is why I say that Sánchez’s immigration policies are a danger for the whole of Europe. Without proper identification controls, without detention centres and with a disastrous (non-existent) policy of agreements with third countries to control illegal immigration, we are completely unaware of the reality of these forced immigration flows.
Sánchez’s government spends billions on funding NGOs that provide immigrants with good material, and put them up in good hotels or reception centres; in conditions that hundreds of Spaniards are unfamiliar with. Mobile phone, financial allowance and expenses paid (food and housing).
From their state-of-the-art phones, they call their countries of origin (Senegal, Mali, Morocco) calling a new wave ready to put themselves at the disposal of the mafias to allow them to cross the Atlantic or, if necessary, the Mediterranean, as arrivals to the Balearic Islands have also increased. The Popular Party has supported Sánchez’s policy, and still does today, because all it demands is more money for the regions to invest more money in migrant assistance.
They are not refugees for the most part. They are economic migrants, of legal age, male. The results have not been long in coming. Cities such as Barcelona and Bilbao are already seeing acts of violence that are increasingly similar to those in other European capitals. The systems of public services dependent on the regions (mostly governed by the popular party alone since VOX left government precisely because the popular party did not stand up to the socialist government in this area) are saturated or on the way to saturation (first reception, social services, health or education); which is why they are demanding more budgetary allocations from the state.