If there was one news item that marked the European elections, it was certainly the Islamist attacks in Mannheim, which claimed the life of a policeman. Islamist attacks against conservative political activists who call for a fight against Islamism, denouncing the growing jihadist violence and the invasion by radicalised Islam of public spaces that were once free but are now restricted.
It should not be forgotten that these attacks came after an Islamist demonstration in Hamburg on the same day as the German election campaign began, publicly calling for the imposition of a caliphate in Germany and the suppression of democratic constitutional and civil laws by Islamic law.
The situation is repeated, to a greater or lesser extent, in almost all EU member states. Massive and uncontrolled immigration, with absolutely unacceptable levels of illegal immigration, is at the root of these very serious tensions in European societies. It should not be forgotten that when we speak of illegal immigration, we are referring to those who have not passed any border control scrutiny or have not been checked by the European authorities. We do not know where they come from, their personal or criminal records, and above all their true intentions, thus admitting the existence in Europe of people whose aim is precisely to combat and destroy true European values.
In Catalonia, one of the most Islamised regions of Spain, there is a proliferation of illegal mosques, and the type of discourse that is presented by imams in these mosques is completely unknown. However, we do know that at the root of the terrible Islamist attacks in Barcelona on 17 August 2017 were the radicalised speeches of the imam of Ripoll, a small town in northern Spain. The foreign population in Catalonia is less than 20%, although it reaches 50% if we include those in prison. When these irrefutable data are offered, the political forces of the left limit themselves to insulting those who offer them publicly, and the mainstream media contribute to the silencing of a reality that Europeans do experience, and with increasing risk.
The Brussels institutions must take decisions in this regard, for example by putting an end to the financing of organisations and associations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the major movements of Islamic radicalisation. One of its branches is Hamas, the terrorist organisation that committed the heinous crimes against the Israeli population on 7 October.
Funding to UNRWA and Palestinian organisations and the lack of real control and transparency over the real destination of these funds was already the subject of parliamentary debate in the last legislature.
The urgency of combating radical Islamism, which openly threatens our legality and coexistence, is a clamour throughout Europe. This is a challenge for the new legislature and we will have to face it with determination. German Chancellor Scholz and the Minister of Foreign Affairs announced a democratic offensive against radicalised mosques. This is a standing proposal of patriotic and conservative parties across Europe.
It should be noted that this is not a religious issue. It does not even really concern religious freedom. It is not a question of Muslim piety but of Islamism’s attempt to impose its civilisational, political, social, cultural and even economic model on European societies. Above all, and as something unquestionable, the defence of the equality of men and women before the law. This cannot be waived. That is Europe because that is Christianity.
We cannot fall into the dialectical trap of the left. We have every right, and the duty, to defend our culture and our legal systems and social organisation.
Lives are at stake. May the German policeman who was viciously shot in the back in Mannheim rest in peace.