Environment - May 13, 2023 Europe Stops the Production of Gas Boilers from 2029 but Italy is Against by Gianluca Guarino
Health - May 13, 2023 The European Commission Cuts the Duration of Medicinal Patents to Lower Costs by Gianluca Guarino
Politics - April 21, 2023 The Commission Evaluates the Possible Integration of the Balkan Countries into the European Union by Gianluca Guarino
Energy - April 5, 2023 The European Parliament Approves the New Rules on the Banning of Diesel and Petrol Engines by Gianluca Guarino
Energy - March 15, 2023 EU, Italy’s opposition blows up vote on petrol and diesel car stop by Gianluca Guarino
Health - March 7, 2023 Italy is the European Country with the Highest Average Age by Gianluca Guarino
Politics - March 7, 2023 ECR Will Participate at World’s Leading Event for Conservatories by Gianluca Guarino
Legal - February 8, 2023 The Italian Super Fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro Arrested in Palermo by Gianluca Guarino