Does the future of the Conservatives start from Italy?
The electoral round to elect the new parliament that will have to govern Italy after the fall of the Draghi government closed a few days ago.
Elections that have seen Fratelli d’Italia, the conservative party led by Giorgia Meloni also president of the ECR, literally triumph.
A triumph that cannot be simplified as a ‘protest vote’ but has a much deeper and more important root.
In fact, the Italians have made a precise and clear choice, they have chosen the coherence and credibility of a leader and a party that has never contradicted itself in its being, but on the contrary, has reaffirmed its thinking by presenting a very precise government programme.
A victory of ideas therefore and of a leader capable of embodying and representing these ideas to perfection.
A victory that sees its pivotal points in three very precise elements: consistency, credibility, preparation, pivotal points that could become those of all European conservative parties.
But what is now the future for Italy.
In spite of those who hope for nefarious choices, Giorgia Meloni has clear and sharp ideas: economic support, greater European representativeness, Atlanticism, these in essence are the key words of the first phase of the government to come.
Certainly, the difficult national and international scenario will lead to obligatory and responsible choices, but at the same time they will be the main ally of those who, like Giorgia Meloni, want to give Italy and European conservative parties in general a leading role in the direction of Community policies.
No upheaval, no threat of ‘italexit’, simply the legitimate desire to give one’s own country a role that is no longer a supporting player in crucial choices.
A real test-bed for the conservative forces therefore, which will certainly look at the Italian choices and objectives as a forerunner for future policies.
The task that awaits the future Italian leader is therefore one of twofold responsibility, primarily towards her own country, but also towards the conservative forces that unite under the banner of the ECR of is president.
However, we are confident that she will be able to embody both roles in the best possible way and that the Italian one will be the new course for a more united, free and conservative Europe.