Within a few hours, social networks were flooded with a video. A long speech — not exactly one of those short TikTok videos — in which the Vice President of the United States, J.D. Vance, at the Munich Security Conference, told senior dignitaries and bureaucrats from the European Union that the main threat to Europe is not external but internal. The vice-president who came from the Hillbillies, from that Middletown destroyed by the mistakes of successive US governments.
The existential threat – in the strict sense of the word – to Europe, the Europe that gave birth to the West and created a civilisation with a universal vocation, is endogenous. J.D. Vance referred to two specific key points: the massive, disorderly immigration of Islamic origin, which has overwhelmed the political and social order of the old continent in the last decade – in some countries, for several decades now -; and on the other hand, that ‘woke’, progressive, globalist, leftist ideology, which destroys the most elementary institutions of a democracy (individual freedom of thought, expression and opinion) and of a Christian society (the family, based on love between a man and a woman).
Vance’s speech has been thunderous. Thanks to social networks, especially X, which confirms one of the essential theses of Vance’s speech: globalist progressivism has imposed brutal censorship in public and private spaces, affecting freedom of expression, freedom to pray – he placed great emphasis on the persecution in the UK (and also in Spain) of those who are persecuted, detained, tried and convicted for simply praying for a few minutes in front of an abortion clinic – or freedom of thought.
Vance’s speech was tough. Indeed, he spared neither words nor gestures. He was addressing the ‘false elites’ present there. He told them simply: either you change and return to shared Western values or you cannot count on us. Said at the Munich Security Conference and when the process of negotiating a peace agreement in Ukraine has already been publicly initiated, it sounded like a credible threat. Either you change or we leave and leave you here with the problem; and see how you solve it, without mobilised and trained armies, without diplomatic strength, without food or energy sovereignty, without a willingness to die on the battlefields.
Vance reminded us that there is very little left of the commitments and alliances that were forged between the ‘victors’ of the Second World War. Well, in reality, he was referring to the commitments and alliances between the United States and the United Kingdom (part of the victors and defeated continental Europe) since the other part of the victors was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with which there was no compromise whatsoever. Moreover, he said what many patriotic and conservative politicians in Europe have been saying repeatedly in recent years, that the European Union’s propaganda, political and budgetary machinery increasingly resembles that Soviet Union of purges and Czechs, censorship and violence, violation of individual freedoms and collectivism.
Very harsh if it comes from the Vice-President of the United States. But it was not a mere opinion. J.D. Vance’s speech was broken down and cemented in examples: Breton, a former commissioner (now hired by Bank of America against the rules of behaviour for former commissioners) who congratulated himself and bragged about having intervened in the cancellation of the result of the presidential elections in Romania, and who threatened Germany with intervention if Alternative for Germany won. Final. Only conservatives, patriots and sovereigntists have raised their hands and voices in Brussels. The grand coalition of the People’s Party, the Socialists, the Liberals and the Greens have remained silent. An accomplice silence, no doubt.
But Vance’s speech was not only clear, resounding and harsh; it was not without humility. He effectively acknowledged that the germ of evil that is corroding European society came from the United States. From its universities and multinationals devoted to ‘woke’ thinking and from billions distributed by the US Agency for International Development Assistance. In reality, in his own way, he asked us for forgiveness and warned us, however: you can join the rebellion of common sense led by Trump or you can carry on as you are.
It’s up to you. Today, Zelensky and Scholz have spoken. A different tone.