The year 2025 is off to a very bad start in Europe. During the past New Year’s Eve, migrants have been involved in violent incidents all over Europe. I have just seen a video of Italian Fratelli MEP Carlo Fidanza denouncing the behaviour of immigrants in Milan.
In Berlin, almost 400 people have been arrested for various offences, including offences of attacking and resisting police authority and also attacks on health and rescue teams responding to calls for fireworks, alcohol consumption and so on.
Dozens of videos of African migrants carrying firearms have been seen on social media. Some of those arrested in Germany were arrested for this reason, according to various media reports, which, however, again conceal the identity and origin of the perpetrators.
Both the police – who, when the detainee is a foreigner or even an illegal immigrant, do not report the information – and the mainstream media are once again making the same mistakes, the same complicities. If the negative effects of immigration are not denounced, it will never be possible to correctly assess the positive effects it can have.
Once again, the media hide what we can see on social networks. Perhaps that is why socialist governments like Sánchez’s or social democrats like Von der Leyen’s accumulate threats to the owners of social media. Finally, in less than two months there are elections in Germany, and after the attack in Magdeburg, violence continues to grow, and it is always on the same side, even if the media then want to attribute responsibility to a lack of right-wing violence in Europe.
The Berlin Fire Brigade dealt with almost two thousand emergencies on the last night of the year, for fires, medical emergencies and others. The chronicles report that in 13 of these incidents, the emergency teams faced aggressions that prevented them from carrying out their work normally. Also in the German city of Leipzig, direct attacks on police officers with pyrotechnics and bottles have been reported. The sam
e happened in Cologne and Munich, where migrants clashed with police.
It is untenable. And anyone who does not want to see it, or keeps quiet, or hides it, must be considered an accomplice and cooperator. Europe is freedom, or should be, and to be free, you need to live in a safe world.
The images from Germany are not the only ones. Incidents have also been reproduced in France, both in Paris and in Strasbourg. In Paris more than 135 people were arrested by the police. In Strasbourg one death. The other seat of the European Parliament, Brussels, has not been spared from night-time violence either. Thirty cars burned, more than 150 people arrested and more than a thousand police interventions, in a night that saw attacks by immigrants with Molotov cocktails.
Europe is experiencing a situation never known before. And it seems that some people prefer to get used to the fact that on New Year’s Eve, or when certain sporting results take place, at Christmas or Easter, violence is unleashed in most European capitals.
The year 2025 is off to a bad start. Either we get tough and start putting these people in jail for a long time and deporting them to their countries of origin, or things are going to get worse.
The worst thing the police authorities and the media can do is not to tell the truth. Hiding the fact that this is anti-police violence by armed and organised groups among the foreigner communities is the first of the mistakes. Tucking one’s head under one’s wing, like an ostrich, is the most irresponsible thing for a politician to do.
To pretend that what happened two nights ago in Germany, Belgium, France or Italy is simply the result of partying and alcohol consumption is to mislead the population. And when the state deceives its people, it shows weakness and cowardice, as well as complicity in crime.