In its plenary session of today, 22 May, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain has confirmed the immediate recognition of the State of Palestine, which would be submitted to approval by his Council of Ministers next Tuesday.
From the opposition, VOX leader Santiago Abascal has dedicated four of his twenty-minute speech to the Israel-Palestine war. Mr. Abascal has outlined that so far, the Socialist head of Government had kept an intermediate position between both sides, despite one being a democratic state and the other one a group of satanic terrorists.
During the debate broadcasting, one can see how Mr. Sanchez’s Vice-President, Mrs. Maria Jesus Montero, has made a grimace of surprise when Mr. Abascal used such strong terms to describe the adversaries of Israel in the war.
However, Mr. Abascal has stressed that the term “satanic terrorism” is not an exaggeration, given the available videos that show massacres committed upon Israeli innocents. Surely, Mr. Abascal has added, Sanchez has also seen the videos, including the raping of women, the assassination of parents in front of their children, the broadcasting of assassinations through social media – but perhaps he has preferred not to watch any of them.
The VOX politician has added that Spain does not deserve to be the culprit of evil, as it will clearly be the case when evil Hamas is applauding Mr. Sanchez’s decision. After Hamas having committed against Israel “the worst terrorist attacks in the history of mankind”, Spain should not unilaterally recognise the state of Palestine.
Nevertheless, Mr. Abascal conceded that he was not surprised about such disastrous strategy on behalf of the Socialist-Communist Government in Spain. Indeed, Minister of Childhood and Youth Mrs. Sira Rego, a declared Communist of Palestinian origin, has made a public statement in order to support the Palestinian state “from the river to the sea”, that is, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea – which means the destruction and disappearance of Israel.
On top of that, Mr. Abascal has denounced that Sanchez acknowledges data provided by Hamas, as he has also accepted the version given by ETA on Basque terrorism against the Spanish population for decades. Such Middle East policy of recognising the state of Palestine after 7 October 2023 amounts to legitimising satanic terrorism.
Instead, Spain should recognise the right of Israel to defend itself. Otherwise, Spaniards can take good note on how Sanchez would react if it were 130 Spanish citizens, including women, children and the elderly, who were taken as hostages as it is the case of the poor innocent in Hamas’s tunnels: he would not defend their rights, but probably place himself in the same odious intermediate position that he is taking.
To pretend that historically Israel has been the obstacle, as claimed by the Socialists, for the recognition of the Palestinian state, rather than terrorism, is a lie, according to Mr. Abascal. This recognition is in fact a retroactive prize to Hamas, because in 2005 Gaza was given to Palestine’s national authority. Since then, humanitarian aid has been used by Hamas to destroy prosperity, respect for women and respect for homosexuals.
Together with Spain, Ireland and Norway have also published a similar recognition. As a consequence, Israel’s Foreign Minister Mr. Katz has summoned the Ambassadors of all three nations and advanced that such unfortunate move will have “serious consequences”.
Out of them, Spain is singled out as “one of the most hostile nations against Israel”. Not only did Minister Rego express herself as above commented, but also Minister of Culture Mr. Ernest Urtasun has asked for the end of commercial, economic and political relationships with Israel. It now remains to be seen whether there will be any further members of the European Union that will follow the path initiated by Madrid and Dublin.
Source of image: La Razon